Meet The Team

Together, we founded and expanded 39 Veterans with the purpose of supporting the amazing veterans in our community!

Liam Park Portrait

Liam Park (Co-Founder)

Liam is a senior at McLean High School who is motivated and hard-working when it comes to academics, sports, and coding. His number one interest is coding and wishes to expand his interest through majoring in computer science in college. To pursue his interest, he participated in multiple website developments for organizations and companies, as well as create a game with his friends with his coding and modeling skills. Liam enjoys playing golf in his free time, and he is in the McLean Varsity Golf Team. In his free time, he enjoys watching Premier League football as well as Formula 1 races.

Liam Park

Chief Executive Officer

Donghwa Shin Portrait

Donghwa Shin (Co-Founder)

Donghwa is a senior at McLean High School who is passionate about everything he learns. Interested in Computer Science, he developed the organization's website to utilize his programming skills in real-world applications and to help the community. He also participated in hackathons, or programming events, with his peers to compete and build advanced projects. Also a passionate violinist of over seven years, Donghwa enjoys practicing the violin and listening to classical music in his free time. Performing as part of the All-National Symphony Orchestra in November, he hopes to continue the violin alongside Computer Science beyond high school.

Donghwa Shin

Chief Web Officer

Kush Mathur Portrait

Kush Mathur

Kush is a senior at McLean High School who is driven to succeed academically and seeks to build out strong relations with others. He is interested in the field of chemical engineering and hopes to pursue this as his major in college. In line with this interest, he is part of the MHS Science Olympiad team as well as the president of CheMnections, a chemistry tutoring club at MHS tutoring all levels of high school chemistry to students. In his free time he enjoys cooking, having a good time with his friends, playing video games, and drinking coffee.

Kush Mathur

Director of Marketing

Nathan Li Portrait

Nathan Li

Nathan is a senior attending Mclean High School. He is interested in tennis and passionate to help the community and the world around him. Nathan is Co-President of the National Honor Society and Project Executive for the Science National Honor Society at his school. He is in charge of the Environmental Awareness Project that seeks to inform and create solutions to various environmental problems. He is a member of the MHS Science Olympiad team and has competed in numerous science competitions. He is interested in Computer Science and hopes to major in the subject. In his free time, he enjoys doing video games or play tennis on the MHS Varsity Tennis Team.

Nathan Li

Director of Outreach

Tristan Jander Portrait

Tristan Jander

Tristan is a senior at McLean High School who is passionate and hard-working when it comes to academics and giving back to his community. He is looking to major in International Relations, and is proficient in Spanish and Portuguese. On the extracurricular side, he volunteers with handicapped children for Best Buddies, is an Executive for the Freshman Mentorship program at McLean, and a four year varsity lacrosse player. In his free time, you can find him watching Philadelphia sports or reading a good nonfiction book.

Tristan Jander

Director of Logistics

Ava Farivar Portrait

Ava Farivar

Ava Farivar attends McLean High School and is extraordinarly motivated, passionate, and hardworking as a student seeking to pursue her academic path; specifically with a passion in student activism and community involvement. With that being said, she immerses herself within several organizations such as Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to provide funds for research and advocacy to end blood cancer and McDanceAthon Club which raises funds and awareness for the Children's National Hospital. She also stands as a role model both in and outside of school: a demonstrative mentor at the Washington School of Ballet and a mentor at McLean High School apart of the McLeadership program.

Ava Farivar

Director of Projects

Olivia Zhang

Olivia Zhang

Olivia is a senior at McLean High School. Besides Olivia's passion for bettering the lives of kids with cancer through her nonprofit Cancer Kids First, she is also eager to help her community through her role as SGA President at her school. Olivia also loves learning about business and economics, pursuing her interests in that field through her position on her school's Financial Lit & Business club and DECA. She enjoys traveling, painting, writing, and spending time outdoors with her friends. Olivia also enjoys reading leadership books and participating in workshops to grow her skillsets.

Olivia Zhang

Advisor to the Board